Rimrock Lake’s Water Level Lowest in Decades!
Rimrock lake is at it's lowest water level in decades, and it's affecting how visitors will use the lake this summer.
I certainly noticed how low Rimrock Lake was all winter, but i assumed when all the snow melted all would fill back up. But that is not the case.
The Rimrock Lake Resort manager says it is a complete disaster as several docks are high and dry on land instead of floating. The lake appears to be down approximately 18 feet!!!
According to what I'm reading, a drought, low snowfall, and high irrigation demand has all impacted the lake!
You may be wondering how that can be with all the snow we got. But remember that just because our yards and streets got more snow doesn't necessarily mean the mountains got more. It is the snow pack in the mountains that determine drought, not how much fell on your or my street.
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