Okay NOT LOST really, but seriously I've decided I'm the most directionally challenged person on earth!

I might as well apologize now to all my Ex's that had to put up with me thinking I knew where I was going EVER! I'm just the worst now! Don't ask me how it happened, but what I did was think I was going to try and RUN, not just HIKE, the new Skyline trail on Badger Mountain. So I started off at a slow jog and it was a gradual incline, but I was doing okay...got warmed up about middle of the mountain and was loving it! Just when you think your gonna die from to much up hill...it curves around and gives you a little break and you get to head DOWNHILL! MY FAVORITE!

Well, the plan was to jog up to the towers on the new trail, then turn around and run back down! But, I was having so much fun on the down hill incline, that I ended up passing the towers and running almost 3/4 of the way down the other side of the mountain!

By the time I noticed...the realization hit that now I have to run back up that side! UGH! Which I did for a bit, and also incorporated some hiking...(I was tired) But, when I hit the top...YAAAAAAY! I got to RUN down the side I came up! So...all in all it was a GREAT run! And my Jawbone stepper said I'd completed 5 miles! So I considered it a good work out for the day!

I did however feel much guilt as I ran, that I have NOT been a one of the helping hands who work so hard on creating great trails on Badger! So, I had decided during my running that I would scrape together some money at least to donate to 'Friends of Badger Mountain'

I am so grateful that instigators of that organization have done such great work to create so many great trails for us outdoor enthusiasts!

I now have the trail figured out. (well sort of anyway) Good thing I'm not REALLY lost!

Anyway, if you haven't been on all the trails Badger Mountain has to offer...check it out! You'll love it!


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