You may be familiar with various posters and pictures called the "Faces of Meth" which show the shocking wasting away of human beings through a succession of downward spiraling photographs. These people are sick, people who will not or cannot stop using this insidious drug.

faces of meth pinterest


Now, compare the stereotypical picture of what a drug dealer looks like in your head and what a meth dealer really looks like.

Hardister Mug Shot St. Augustine, FL Police
Hardister Mug Shot St. Augustine, FL Police

Meet twenty-five year old Robert Hardister, of St. Augustine, Florida, who was arrested while siting in a stolen 2007 Chrysler Sebring that he got as a payment for drugs. Hardister told police that he was a drug dealer and gave someone meth in exchange for the car. He was taken into custody without incident.

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