Suspect Hides Meth in Bra, Falls Out in Front of Cops
Pasco police are still tearing through the suspect's vehicle, and the investigation continues.
Monday morning, a man and woman were arrested at Walmart after they were spotted acting strangely in the parking lot. A Pasco officer happened to pull in near their car, and was tipped when they seemed extremely apprehensive about his presence.
The officer ran the plate, from Montana, and it came back as registered to 29-year-old Kasey Allen Pier of Charo, MT. He had 13 outstanding warrants, including one for a sawed-off shotgun. His girlfriend, Alexia Rose Pierre, 21, also matched the dispatcher's description of the suspects.
As they stood by their rattle-canned green Subaru Impreza, the officer noticed plastic bags sticking up from inside Pierre's shirt. When other officers arrived and questioned the two, Pier lied about his ID. Officers noticed Pierre kept shifting and twitching and then multiple bags of meth fell out of her bra!
Pier is now in jail on his 13 warrants, awaiting extradition to Montana, and Pierre facing meth possession charges. Charo is a tiny town of 500 people on the Flathead Indian Reservation, and some areas near there are known for being hot spots for drug activity, especially involving meth.