The community and neighbors in West Pasco have built a tradition that continues to grow and glow for the last 32 years. This tradition is The Desert Plateau Luminary event....
The landscape continues to change in Pasco's city limits, what use to be farm land will become brand new neighborhoods in the area of Rd.68 amd Rd 84 in Pasco!
If you love tacos as much as we do then here's an event you won't want to miss...The Pasco Taco Crawl 2016 beginning Friday, April 22nd - Saturday, May 7th.
Pasco Police are asking the public for their help finding an armed and dangerous suspect who allegedly shot a man last night on road 60 and south of Argent.
How Icy are the roads today? EXTREMELY watch Officer Acock of the Pasco Police Department risk his own safety but sliding across the road on his own two feet to demonstrate just how icy the roads are!
Before everyone pounces on me for saying those cell phone Amber alerts are annoying, let me just say I've completely changed my tune after the incident which occured in Pasco WA last night.
You may have seen the Missing and endangered persons post by the Pasco Police all over Facebook yesterday. Here's the latest update as of 6 p.m. Sunday night