Oh No! The 5 Biggest Shortages Happening Right Now in WA StateOh No! The 5 Biggest Shortages Happening Right Now in WA StateYou've likely been affected by these shortages in one way or another.Reesha On The RadioReesha On The Radio
[VIDEO] Washington Ferry Slammed by Huge Storm Waves & Flooded[VIDEO] Washington Ferry Slammed by Huge Storm Waves & FloodedThe video from this Washington State ferry is shocking and shows the real power and danger of the Strait of Juan de Fuca.Aj BrewsterAj Brewster
Imagine Being on a Ferry During a Major Wind Storm…Watch Crazy VideoImagine Being on a Ferry During a Major Wind Storm…Watch Crazy VideoI just returned from a cruise vacation to the Caribbean where the weather was amazing...while I was gone however the Pacific Northwest experienced several storms including a doozy of a wind storm last Friday.Stacy LeeStacy Lee