Taking up a New Hobby or Learning A New Skill in the Pandemic
What to do in a pandemic can be pretty frustrating. Face it, some of us have some, or, a lot of extra time on our hands.
There's only so much tv a person can watch. The garden and yard are perfectly manicured, or are they? Do you have a garden? Is it something you'd like to tackle? This may YOUR time to read up and try your green thumb.
My husband, Jeff, has currently planted grass seed on a portion of our back yard, which was formerly a brick decorative layout. The bricks have been taken up, the soil was put down, and grass seed was planted. It looks great. I think, maybe, next year, we'll attempt a garden.
I've been watching a number of friends on social media attempt other projects, as well. One photographer acquaintance has learned to crochet. I watch her create beautiful pieces for friends as gifts. The recipients proudly model the fashions on social media. I wonder, "Could I do this?" I'll NEVER know if I don't apply myself. What will I crochet? A scarf? maybe, a vest? I'll put this on the back burner for now.
Fishing is more my speed. When I was recently in the upper Midwest, my brother hosted me for a weekend of fishing on Leech Lake, in Walker, Minnesota. I caught a few and felt accomplished. It was exciting! We have a river here. Maybe I'll try fishing.