I was doing a last minute scan of FB last night before I drifted off to sleep and found the most offensive post about giving birth via c-section Basically this group known as The Disciples of the New Dawn

As far as I can tell they are complete nuts with an outrageous point of view...Here it is they say that Mothers who give birth via c-section have not really given birth and are against God in some way?

I personally gave birth and life I might add to both of my children via-c-section.Had that option not been available I probably would have died in child birth which according to their propaganda is what God would have wanted for me and my babies. They actually call woman who had natural child superior and deserve more respect than those that had c-sections.....I am flabbergasted!


Good advice from Matriarch Graber on behalf of The Circle of Matriarchs. They have delivered many babies over the years,...

Posted by Disciples of the New Dawn on Sunday, March 29, 2015

You are responsible for the well being of your own anatomy! Women who have NATURAL birth can because of the solid life...

Posted by Disciples of the New Dawn on Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Despite what the army of shills infesting our page may say, there is no reason to ever have a caesarian section. We will...

Posted by Disciples of the New Dawn on Monday, March 30, 2015

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