14 Unusual Facts How a Submarine Ended Up in Richland WA
If you've never been to the furthest reach of Richland as you head out to the Hanford site, you're missing out on an amazing piece of history.
How Did The USS Triton Nuclear Submarine End Up In Richland?
The USS Triton Sail Park is the final resting place for the massive substructure sail of the original submarine bearing its name. A memorial park was dedicated on November 10th, 2011.

My wife and I drove out to the park yesterday and I have to say, it's a thing of wonderment. As you leave Richland and head towards the Hanford site, the rows of trees dropping fall foliage are breathtaking. It was a picture-perfect Saturday.
How Did The USS Triton Sail Park In Richland Come To Be?
It got me interested in the USS Triton and how it managed to be saved and not junked so I've done a short gallery with 14 facts that you might not know about the park and the USS Triton.
14 Amazing Facts About The USS Triton Sail Park In Richland
Gallery Credit: Rik Mikals
It's an amazing place to explore even though it's off the beaten path a bit. The USS Triton Sail Park is right along the Columbia River so you also get a pretty amazing view of the river.
It's also very peaceful at the park and you can hear and see the seagulls flying around.
The USS Triton Sail Park Is A Free Park To Visit In Richland
There's a lot of history tied up that sail and, amazingly, we've got that piece of history right here in the Tri-Cities. If you get a chance, head on out and check it out. I know my wife and I are going to return to explore the trails near the park for hiking.
The USS Triton Sail Park Makes The List On Trip Advisor Of Must-See Places
If you want to read more about the park and its history, click here.
5 of the Most Snake Infested Hiking Trails in Washington State
Gallery Credit: Rik Mikals
Peek Inside: 15 Hanford B Reactor Tour Pictures That Are the Bomb
Gallery Credit: Rik Mikals
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