Homeowner Catches UPS Man Stealing Daughter’s Just Delievered iPad
Al Alverson didn't get the iPad mini that he had ordered through FedEx. However, the blame for the non-delivery rested squarely on UPS.
The Houston, Texas man had been notified by Fed Ex that the iPad, which was to be a gift for his daughter, had been delivered while he was at work. But when he got home it wasn't on the stoop with the other packages.
Luckily, Alverson had a security camera installed outside of his front door. Since he knew what time the package was supposed to have been delivered, it didn't take him long to find out that the UPS man, who had come later to deliver another package, had then walked off with what the FedEx guy had dropped off.
Alverson contacted UPS, who he said gave him the runaround. So he simply posted the video of the theft on YouTube, which caught UPS's attention immediately.
The delivery service quickly contacted Alverson and told him they would replace the iPad. They also said the offending delivery man, who they were able to identify, was not only fired but arrested. Check out the surveillance video that did in the sticky-fingered Grinch below.