Walla Walla Hoop Thief About to Get Busted
I love when people capture thieves on camera doing bad things. Brittany Leah Sundquist woke up this morning to her sons Basketball hoop missing! She checked the surveillance video and saw a woman stealing the basketball hoop off of a fence.
According to Brittanys Facebook:
So someone came by our apartments this morning at around 4:57 am and stole the kids basketball hoop right off the fence. If you know who this is please ask them to return it. She knew exactly what she was doing as you can see she is looking to make sure no one was looking. Luckily I have cameras smile chick you been seen. This is over on J street in walla walla by Joes corner mart.
I'm assuming this woman was taking it for her own kid or maybe she's going to sell it on Craigslist...who knows?
It amazes me that someone would do something like this. That kid is going to be devastated. Please help police catch this low life...yes I said "LOW LIFE"... to the woman that stole this, you are old enough to know better, grow up! (oh BTW you're going to get caught.)