Which Town in Washington Just Set a Snowfall Record of 24.5 Inches in 24 Hours?
I thought the Tri-Cities was hit with a good amount of snow over the last few days. I knew that Snoqualmie Pass had reached a record.

However, I was completely taken by surprise when I saw a friend's post on Facebook this morning. He is from Iowa, so, he's quite familiar with heavy snowfall. But this latest dumping from Mother Nature even caught him off guard.
According to the National Weather Service in Spokane, Wenatchee set a new record for snowfall in 24 hours. Snowfall from Wednesday to Thursday was reported at 23.3 inches. The previous record was set at 16.5 inches back in 1971. The town of Leavenworth also may have broken a snowfall record.
I sure am glad to see that my friend has a snow blower to accomplish most of the removal. As of this morning, he had a car to find buried underneath all that accumulation.
Looking ahead at the Tri-Cities weather for the next several days, thankfully, there's no mention of snow.
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