Watch Driver Destroy Railroad Crossing Gate In West Richland – You Can Help
Have you seen this truck? The Tri-City Railroad Co. is looking for the driver of this pick up for not only running the railroad red flashing lights but also destroying the crossing gate. The incident happened around 11 a.m. Friday August 21st at Van Giesen and 240. According to KEPR:
Tri-City Railroad Company is seeking the public's help in identifying this person. They say due to the direction the truck was traveling they believe the suspect may be a West Richland resident.
The cost of the crossing arm repair can be substantial Tri-City Railroad Company says, and it can put their crossing out of service until they can fix the arm. That railroad crossing could be out for hours, days, or even weeks the company says.
This is incredibly dangerous and irresponsible.If anyone has information on the driver the rail company can be contacted at their Kennewick office at 509-371-8313 or by email at cs@tcry.com.
View the video of the suspect truck. Video courtesy of the Tri-City Railroad Company.
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