Yakima Facebook Marketplace Features Weirdest Stuff Imaginable
You might be thinking that it's too hot to go yard sailing and you would be right. Still, if you want to find some good deals on other people's household "junk", then you are probably willing to face the heat.
There is another option that you could consider: Facebook Marketplace. Sure, you can look on Craigslist for used items but FB is where it's at. I am finding all kinds of things for sale from apartments to cars to motorized vehicles, makeup services, custom coffee mugs and handmade signs to spruce up your "She Sheds" and "Man Caves". I also saw a few listings that took me by surprise. Have you seen something on Facebook Marketplace that took you by surprise?
Well, I certainly wasn't expecting to find these five things:
Custom-designed sports memorabilia: Why look on Amazon when somebody local can bedazzle your old sports cap?
Christmas Carolers: The Christmas holiday is right around the corner. Jazz up your home with these weird-looking yuletide singers.
A Giant Sign of Mike's Hard Lemonade: Only the true fans will be searching high and low for this bizarre thing but even if you don't like the beverage, this piece will have everyone talking (about your strange taste in wall decor).
Neck Coolers: I don't even know what this is or how it could possibly cool off a neck, but it's on Facebook Marketplace and it's for sale. Have at it, Hoss!
A self-tanning lamp from 1981: I just have to wonder, is the seller hoping that someone will buy it because it still works or are they getting rid of it to be used as a novelty item? If I owned a self-tanning lamp from the 80s, I wouldn't care WHAT anyone was going to use it for, I'd just want to get it out of my house. I'm good love, enjoy!
Speaking of Weird Stuff, Have you heard of these weird nearby ghost towns?
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