I've never been a great sleeper! I think once you're a parent you pretty much never sleep soundly again!  But, over the years, I've developed more of a NON Sleeping 'issue' and have thought to consult a professional.

However, I noted that in the summers when I would take my horse up to the mountains and I'd sleep in my horse trailer or under the stars...  I slept like a ROCK! Now, granted, I did this only after I'd been riding for hours all day on the trails and tending to horses and cooking outside etc. All that takes energy I suppose! But, I even remember when I was traveling a bit in an RV, singing out of town, and I slept perfectly sound in the RV camper!

So, maybe I'm just a nomad at heart huh? Or maybe it's all the sounds of my house and all the computers and TV's and technology that invades my brain all night with electromagnetic waves or something! Who knows! But, I do know that I sleep very well in the mountains!

So I'm curious! Where have you gotten your BEST sleep?

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