10 Weirdest Things for Sale on Craigslist Kennewick-Pasco-RichlandGreg DeLangeGreg DeLangePublished: September 29, 2015Share on FacebookShare on TwitterI love Craigslist, you love Craigslist, but let's be honest: there's some crazy crap on there! Here are the 10 craziest things in 2015!loading...107-foot-tall Kraken statueloading...3Psychiatrist's CouchOfficially called a "fainting couch"loading...7Broken Emu eggsloading...4Ugly ship made from old Dutch shoeloading...1Antique Phone BoothFormerly in McDougall's in Kennewick.loading...5A peddler's wagonloading...2100-Year-Old Bedloading...8Garbage cans from the old Richland McDonald'sloading...9The ugliest jacket I've ever seencowhide suede, leather & knit.loading...6Bird house nicer than my house
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