2nd Harvest Has Resounding Success With Free Food Distribution [PHOTOS]
Over the last six weeks, 2nd Harvest along with the Toyota Center and The National Guard have been giving boxes and boxes of free food. I discovered that those attending received more than just a box of food, a lot of people got a trunk load of food.
Each car or truck went from station to station to get their food. It started at the front of the Toyota Center and then the vehicles moved down a line while volunteers including the National Guard.
700 cars were allowed each week over 6 weeks which amounts to 4200 boxes of free food given out.
Food ranged from milk and dairy products to fresh veggies and pre-packaged food.
I was talking to an organizer on-site and they said that a trunkload of food could last a family of 4 a week.
2nd Harvest Food Distribution
2nd Harvest does such good in the community and they recently teamed up with Ben Franklin Transit to allow bus riders to ride the bus to get free food as well. All of these events have been successes showing the need right here in the Tri-Cities.
2nd Harvest has another event coming up June 8th on Monday where they'll be able to help out another 250 people. The event starts at 11 AM at Kennewick Clubhouse Boys & Girls Club, 910 W 7th Pl in Kennewick.
If your family is in need, I strongly urge to you to take advantage of these great services as they are there for you if you need them. If you need more information, reach out to the 2nd Harvest Food Bank here.