Jeremy Taylor

Do You Use Coupons? — Survey of the Day
Thanks to the bad economy and shows such as ‘Extreme Couponing,’ coupons should be as popular as ever. But how many people actually use them while shopping?

Naked Man Covered In Crisco Just Wanted To ‘Party’
Chad William Forber is clearly a party animal. But his preferred way of getting down isn’t for everybody. The 41-year-old was arrested by police after they got a call that a naked man was wandering around the downtown area of Rock Island, Illinois early Monday morning. When the cops found Forber, he was covered in Crisco.

Clueless Reporter Has No Idea What Day or Year It Is
We’ve all forgotten what day of the week it is at one time or another. Sometimes a Wednesday just feels like a Thursday. But since part of our job isn’t to announce to thousands of viewers what day it is, such confusion is no biggie.

Would You Use a GPS App to Track Your Spouse? — Survey of the Day
We know sometimes people keep tabs on their ex through social media. But what about when you’re married? Do folks want to know their significant others’ whereabouts at all times?

Will You Watch the Olympics? — Survey of the Day
The games of the XXX Olympiad begin Friday in London. NBC, which is broadcasting an unprecedented 5,535 hours of the Summer Olympics on TV and online, is hoping Americans will be glued to their screens over the next couple weeks.
But will they?

Do You Track Your Exes on Facebook? — Survey of the Day
Sometimes it’s best to take an out of sight, out of mind approach to an ex after a breakup. However, in our brave new world of social media, the chances are your former flame is just a couple clicks away, making it difficult to completely ignore them.

Sherman Hemsley, TV’s George Jefferson, Dies at 74
Sherman Hemsley, a television fixture of the ’70s and ’80s, has died at his home in El Paso, Texas at age 74. His passing is being attributed to “natural causes.”

Do Pets Make Kids Smarter?
If you have or are thinking of having kids, it might be a good idea to also add a pet to the equation. That’s because last month a study found that babies who grow up in households with pets are healthier than their pet-less counterparts. And now a survey of children suggests that having a furry friend is one of the keys to academic success.

Can Being Too Fat Actually Be Healthier Than Being Too Thin?
Much ink has been spilled about studies detailing the health risks associated with being overweight.
And while there is no doubt that severe obesity can lead to a litany of medical problems, a new study suggests that moderately overweight people are still pretty healthy. So, what’s the skinny on this phenomenon?

Would You Date Somebody 15 Years Older Than You? — Survey of the Day
While flings with a much older man — and by much older we mean at least a 15-year difference — have long been sighted amongst women in our culture (Exhibit A: Catherine Zeta Jones and Michael Douglas), it is only recently that romances where the woman is the much older partner have come into the forefront.

Dog Obsessed With Air Conditioner Has the Right Idea
Large swaths of the nation are currently being blasted with extreme heat. If you happen to live one of these boiling regions, you are probably wondering how folks were able to properly function in such conditions before there was air conditioning.
Now imagine if you had to face triple-digit temperatures with a thick coat of fur. That’s what dogs have to do, and that’s why the dog in the video belo

What Is America’s Favorite Candy?
When it comes to candy, Americans like a brand name which has been around for a long time. In fact, almost all of the best selling candy bars in the United States were introduced before World War Two.