Have you been looking for a subscription box to keep things fun and fresh for your kitty or pup? Look no further! I've put together a few options for boxes that provide fun items for both you and your beloved furry best friend. Treats, toys and more!
With the holidays right around the corner, I know lots of you are scrambling to find the tech-lover in your life a gift. Or maybe your partner needs a new tablet? Or a new game system would make everyone in the household happy? Either way, despite some of these items being on the pricier side, they all definitely make a statement.
Eight Ugly Christmas Sweaters And a Partridge In a Pear Tree
Ugly Christmas sweater parties are right around the corner. Whether you're looking for something gaudy and obnoxious or something that'll make you laugh, I've put together a very classy (horribly ugly) list of excellent contenders.
Whether you're stocking up for an emergency kit (in case your power grid fails) or you'd just like to keep warm this winter without racking up your electric bill, this little space heater is the perfect solution! It packs a punch. with over 23,000 reviews and a 4.5-star rating, it's sure to leave you feeling warm and toasty.
It’s Christmas Tree Season Whether You’re Ready or Not
That's right, your Jack-o-lantern is barely rotting on the front porch and it's already time to start thinking about buying a new Christmas tree. Every craft store across the country has already had Christmas stuff out for at least three weeks. I know not all of us are quite ready for the all-encompassing Christmas cheer of early November, so I've put together a nice little list of Christmas tree options to make things a little easier on you. Whether you're a prelit tree lover or a naturalist, hopefully, there's something that'll catch your eye!
The Best Selling Car Seat On Amazon With 60,000 Reviews
Finding the right car seat for your kid is not only necessary but extremely important. Their safety and comfort are top priority and this car seat on Amazon has over 60,000 reviews and a solid five-star rating.
As the pandemic stretches on, I know it's hard to find something new and fun to do with your time. Card games are a great solution since they're versatile, don't take up a lot of space and some of the ones on my list can accommodate just two players all the way up to ten!
The New Year always comes packed with resolutions and goals about cutting back on eating out, fitness, eating healthier, etc. All of it can seem very overwhelming, but I'm here with a list of seven products that will make meal-planning and eating at home more often a breeze!
Eight Fun Games to Play This Holiday Season With Friends and Family
Whether you're home for the Holidays, stuck inside with your roommates and away from family or just bored on Christmas day, I have a list of eight super fun games you can play with family and friends to make this Holiday season feel a little less miserable.
Cookware That’ll Make Thanksgiving a Holiday for the Host Too
Thanksgiving is the perfect time of year to spend time with loved ones over a delicious meal full of carbs! I've rustled up some great cookware to make your time in the kitchen better and cleanup easier so you can spend time with your family and friends.