HUGE Mother of All Yard Sales Is This Saturday in Benton City
If you love yard and garage sales, you'll want to be in Benton City THIS Saturday!

The 2023 Benton City Community Wide Yard Sale is going on with over 50 residents and businesses participating. Do yourself a favor and hold off purchasing that spendy item until this weekend. You might find your wanted item at any one of these sales! And, there are a lot of deals to be had.
What time is the Benton City Community Wide Yard Sale?
The sales will run between 8 am and 3 pm. (no early birds) All addresses are listed above. The city-wide yard sale in Benton City has been going on for several years. I remember as a kid yard saling with my parents. I hated every minute of it. However, today? You bet! I'm all in! Yard saling is one of my favorite activities. Who doesn't want to get a great deal? Feel free to follow the map on your phone. You can download a printable map here.
Whatever you're looking for can probably be found at one of these residences.
Household items
Tools, and more!
Heck! One address (1100 Ellen Street) is serving BBQ lunch in the parking lot. It's the Benton City Lions Club. Hamburger, hot dog, or sausage with chips, potato salad, and a drink. $7 deal.
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