Congrats to Dean Reents! our latest "HOMETOWN HERO" for March


KORD and Jeneane Conway with Farmer’s Insurance want you to nominate a Hometown Hero who does something special for our community.A winning Tri-Cities area officer or firefighter will be chosen once a month and announced on air by the KORD Waking Crew with Greg and Woody. He or she will win a lunch party for 10 for their coworkers, delivered by Jeneane Conway with Farmer’s Insurance.

Danielle Monteiro nominated Dean and this is what she had to say:

Dean is currently a captain at Richland Fire Department and is retiring soon after being a firefighter for 32 years. He has been served our community and kept it safe for his entire career. Dean is the most humble hardworking man I know and deserves to be recognized!


Thanks Dean for everything you do!

Dean and his fellow fire fighters will have lunch delivered to their station.

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