Here’s an Interactive Map of All Current Fires and Emergency Info
If you have travel or camping plans here's a great resource to use during this very active fire season in the pacific northwest. It's from the Northwest Interagency Coordination Center and is updated regularly
Here's this mornings briefing from the NWCC web site:
Northwest Activity Summary
Ongoing large fires experienced steady growth along perimeters in Southwest Oregon and Central Washington. Spotting and steep terrain continue to pose problems on emerging incidents. Precipitation was minimal with slight traces in the Northwest. No lightning was observed in the Geographic Area. There were 21 new fires for 10,208 acres with 7,191 acres of growth on existing fires. IMT2, NW Team 7 (Knerr) is being re-assigned to to Miriam SE of Mt Rainier.
Do your research and PLEASE be safe this summer!