How Much Should You Pay a Washington State Babysitter in 2023?
How Much Do You Pay A Babysitter In 2023?
Whether you're a new parent or someone who has been a parent for a while now, you'll inevitably need a babysitter at some point. And when you do, one of the first things you'll have to decide is how much to pay them.
What Is An Appropriate Wage For A Washington State Babysitter In 2023?
I know when my son was little, I always paid a little extra especially if my kid liked them.
I felt it was worth paying a little extra for a better experience but there are a lot of variances when it comes to hiring a babysitter.
It's a tricky topic, as you don't want to underpay someone for their time and effort, but you don't want to overpay, either. So, how much should you be paying your babysitter in 2023?
Luckily the website breaks down the wages that you should budget for when employing a babysitter. In Washington State, the minimum wage is $15.74 but what is the average that most parents are paying for their kids? says the average babysitter in Washington State can expect to make $22.50 an hour and the site recommends an extra 1 or 2 dollars more if multiple children are concerned.
Of course, wages vary when it comes to certifications and such but on average you can expect to pay $20 an hour for one child and a few bucks for multiple children.
You can read more about wage rankings here.