How to Get the New Facebook Cares Emoji
There are two new Emojis that you'll soon be seeing on Facebook and here's how you can get them for yourself.
There are two new emojis - one is the Facebook smiley-face hugging a heart and another one is called a virtual hug - it's a giant purple and red heart.
I went looking for them and couldn't find them until I discovered how to get them. They'll start showing up on your Facebook and Messenger starting next week. According to post by Facebook - here's how you can get the new emojis and how they'll appear
Messenger is rolling out a pulsating heart reaction today so people can show extra love and care to their friends and family. To update the reaction, you can press and hold down the heart reaction to view the new one. To change it back, press and hold the new reaction again.
The Facebook smiley-face hugging a heart will show up in your reaction bar but you have to have the most current Facebook app to get them. Be on the lookout for them over the next few weeks.

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