Most of you know I'm probably the biggest chocolate hound around!  I literally think I eat some everyday.

I've gotten myself to at least eat Dark Chocolate now and I'll turn you on to one of my favorites!

They are so rich that you can sometimes curb your craving with one square. (But, not me...I eat 3 then maybe I can relax and not eat more! Usually 3 is my limit.

But the reason I'm telling you all this is because today I read that there truly are many great reasons to eat dark chocolate.

According to research from

Chocolate is good for your heart health because of the anti-oxidants.  And compared to milk chocolate eaters, those who downed dark chocolate ate 15 percent fewer calories without even trying and reported fewer cravings for sweets.

Dark chocolate has been shown to help correct imbalances in the body related to stress and can significantly reduce levels of stress hormones.

And the brain benefits are good as well.  Dark chocolate offers a caffeine kick, but not too much. One ounce of 70 percent dark contains about 40 mg of caffeine, campared to 200 mg in 8 ounces of brewed coffee.

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