What Are These Strange Triangle Lights Over Yakima Washington?
Strange lights were spotted and filmed in the night sky over Yakima Washington last week which left people asking questions.
Wednesday February 1st, 2023 Yakima Washington
On the night of February 1st, 2023, strange lights were spotted over Yakima Washington. Eyewitnesses describe multiple silent pulsating lights that formed patterns and changed color for more than a minute. The video was shared on YouTube and has just over one minute of footage from what he saw. Watch the full video at the bottom of this article. This is not the first time strange lights have been seen over Yakima forming a triangle formation. Almost two years ago a triangle formation was filmed disappearing near the same location.
"I felt like I was gonna get abducted lol. It was a crazy experience"
These lights were spotted over Yakima Washington in May of 2021, and at first, seemed pretty normal. After a witness started filming the lights, they can be seen completely disappearing one at a time. The person that posted the video claims they thought they saw the bottom of a craft as they flew overhead without lights. He says in the post "I felt like I was gonna get abducted lol. It was a crazy experience." He started shooting the video because he thought he could capture helicopters flying over for a "great video." When he saw the lights disappear, the witness says it caused him to "panic and throw my phone to the passenger seat."
What Were the Strange Lights Seen Over Yakima on February 1, 2023?
The person filming the video did not have an explanation for the lights that they filmed, but the comment section had some good ideas. One user said "Yakama is a hotspot and a friend and I witnessed light anomalies over the Umtanum Ridge. My mom and a group saw a closeup of a classic saucer with all lights, bells, whistles, etc. in Yakama." One user from central Florida said that they were seeing the same thing where they live. A few commented that the lights were just too far away to tell what they were.
Yakima Tried to Guess What the Lights Are
The thoughts on what the lights could be range from stealth fighters to drones or airplanes. The most likely answer was suggested by a Yakima resident that obviously watches the skies often. He suggests "I'd guess helios as they've been flying all around (the) Yakima area for the past few weeks. But pretty cool at the end!" I think helicopters are easily the best solution to this sighting. I think the reason you only see certain colors of lights is because of the orientation of the helicopters. The lights you don't see are hidden by the body of the craft. It makes a cool video though, watch the entire 1-minute video below.