The two Washington State agencies are teaming up to make sure you are part of the solution and not part of the problem.

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Washington State Agencies  Team Up to Prioritize Zipper Merge Education

US-395 has had an issue with drivers refusing to zipper merge since the Blue Bridge construction started months ago in the Tri-Cities area. I am not sure if every bridge going through painting and repair construction in Washington is having the same issue, but I see it almost every day crossing between Pasco and Kennewick for work. The Washington State Patrol has been holding patrols in the area and WSDOT has multiple signs trying to educate drivers, but to no avail. Even weeks after construction started, you can sometimes still spot semis blocking both lanes or other drivers refusing to let merging traffic in like they are required to do by law. Now, the Washington State Patrol has teamed up with the Washington State Department of Transportation for the "Zipper Merge" Blue Bridge awareness campaign.


WSDOT and Washington State Patrol Focus on the US-395 Blue Bridge

Both the Washington State Department of Transportation and the Washington State Patrol met on the Pasco side of the US-395 Blue Bridge recently to shoot education videos and provide interviews with local news media on zipper merge education. Zipper merging is fairly new to Washington State Law and is vital to minimize the length of backups on roadways coming into construction zones or high-traffic areas.

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When zipper merging, it is important to use all lanes of traffic until the merge point which is usually marked by orange barrels. All vehicles must then take turns merging like a zipper into the open lane or lanes marked by the Department of Transportation crew after passing the merge point. Washington State Trooper Chris Thorson made a pretty clear and precise video about zipper merging to educate any drivers who might still be confused which you can watch below.

Counties Where the Most Opioids Are Dispensed in Washington

Ophelia compiled a list of counties which have the highest opioid dispense rates in Washington using data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Gallery Credit: Stacker

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