Justin Bieber Paternity Suit Dropped
Justin Bieber maintained all along that he is “not the father” and turns out he was telling the truth! He won’t have to go on ‘The Maury Povich Show’ to prove anything! Mariah Yeater, the 20-year-old woman who claimed The Biebs was her baby daddy after a 30-second tryst in the bathroom after one of his L.A. shows, has quietly withdrawn her paternity suit and her request for child support.
Yeater and her legal team asked The Biebs to take a paternity test, to which he agreed. She claimed to have irrefutable evidence that her son Tristyn, born in July, was fathered by the singer and teen idol. The tyke, while adorable and precious, didn’t really resemble The Biebs. He is the real victim here, being dragged into the spotlight by his mother with these claims. Poor kid.
TMZ reports that the suit was withdrawn late last week and that Yeater’s lawyers also dropped her as a client. The Biebs had threatened to sue Yeater and her lawyers for making false claims once he returned to the U.S., since he was overseas promoting ‘Under the Mistletoe’ and making appearances at the EMAs and the Bambi Awards. Perhaps The Biebs’ countersuit threat hastened their decision to drop the case and Yeater.
We always thought this case was a crock. Lucky for her, Yeater bowed out before she really inspired the ire of the legion of Beliebers who would likely call for her head and start attacking her online. We saw how they reacted to Esperanza Spalding when she beat him in the Best New Artist category at the Grammys.
Now The Biebs can focus on the only Mariah in his life, and that’s Carey, with whom he dueted on ‘All I Want For Christmas.’ The video for that holiday romp should drop soon!
We are glad that order has been restored to the Bieberverse and that the singer has been cleared of these bogus claims that were starting to put a stain on his good name. His girlfriend Selena Gomez is breathing a sigh of relief, as well.