Kennewick Driver Tried To Fool Police With Painted Tabs
We all hate paying for license tabs but one Kennewick driver thought they could "paint" on their license tabs and that no one would notice...except for the police
Kennewick Police posted on their Facebook page this summary of the incident.
At 1201 hours, KPD observed a truck driving in the area of Clearwater Ave and Vista Way. The year tab on the rear license plate did not appear normal. A black marker and white-out were used to create the appearance of a real tab. A check on the license plate showed the tabs expired almost a year ago. The vehicle was contacted and the driver identified as Mark Owens. He was issued several infractions along with a Criminal Citation for Driving on a Suspended License.
I've always wondered about that stunt and luckily some other knucklehead tested out that theory for the rest of us.
I guess the takeaway is don't try this at home.
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