If you are a registered voter in Kennewick then you've probably received your ballot which covers a huge bond ask for Kennewick Schools...


Here's what it covers:

  • Kennewick High School - Replace 1950's building with a two-story school
  • Kamiakin High School - Add 12 classrooms, improve athletic facilities and add parking
  • Southridge High School - Add 12 classrooms, add a weight training facility and improve athletic facilities
  • Amistad - Replace school and connect to a classroom addition currently being built
  • Ridge View Elementary - Replace or remodel and expand current school
  • Elementary School #18 - Add a new school on property in a high-growth area

Bond Tax Rate

Estimated Tax Rate: $0.30 per $1,000 of assessed property value

Which Means if you have a home worth:


$60.00 per year
$5.00 per month

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