Kennwick Police Award 2018 Detective Of The Year Eric Hanson
The Kennewick Police Department have announced their 2018 Detective Of The Year.
Congratulations to the Kennewick Police Department's 2018 Detective Of The Year Eric Hanson. The Kennewick Police Department posted the award presentation on their Facebook page.
The Department writes:
Detective Hanson has been with KPD for 27 years. He has been a patrol officer, a school resource officer and a field training officer. He has also been assigned as a general crimes detective and has worked with our neighboring agencies on the Tri-Cities Metro Drug Task Force. Detective Hanson is currently assigned to a task force with one of our federal partner agencies where he is one of the "go to" detectives. Among other things during 2018, Detective Hanson built a case against several people for trafficking fentanyl pills, also known as "mexis". Mexis are responsible to many overdoses both locally and nation wide.
Let's take a moment and congratulate Detective Hanson on a job well done.