Local Trio Performs
It’s easy to support local talent when it’s THIS good!
Bring your blankets and lawn chairs and come enjoy The Frazer Wambeke Trio today, Friday, July 20, at 7p.m.! The concert will be held in Butte Park in Hermiston, Oregon. Admission is free of charge and is sponsored by the City of Hermistion.
The Frazer Wambeke Trio is comprised of local musicians Frazer Wambeke (piano/guitar/vocals), Juan Hernandez (bass), and Derek Munson (drums). The trio has been playing together since October of 2007. They have released one album, titled “Seasons,”which is available on Itunes and CDBaby.
Most of the group’s performance is comprised of original tunes but the trio has been known to cover old school Funk and R&B tunes, including Superstition, Signed/Sealed/Delivered, and Overjoyed (Stevie Wonder); Fire & Rain and Whenever I See Your Smiling Face (James Taylor); Ain’t No Sunshine (Bill Withers); Sittin‘ On The Dock of the Bay (Otis Redding); and Georgia(Ray Charles).
Not only is this group talented, but the performers are extremely down to earth and gracious. All three musicians express their deep appreciation for the people who have helped shape their lives as musicians. They are happy to have the support of their community and haven’t forgotten the people who have helped them along the way.
The trio attributes much of their success to local musicians and educators – namely Steve Haberman, Randy Hubbs, Dave Cazier, Frank and Debi Eng, Bill McKay, Phillip Simpson, Allen Johnson, Monte Ingersoll, Doug Norman, Russ Newberry, Mel Haug, D Robert Burroughs, Rene Hernandez, Chuck Eaton, Jon Ladines, and Chet Dennis. The trio’s drummer, Derek, calls such supporters the“world’s greatest cheerleaders and friends.”
Frazer, Derek, and Juan keep busy playing in multiple groups. In addition to playing with his own trio Frazer also plays with the worship team at World Life Christian Center in Pasco, Wash. Derek also plays with the Columbia Basin Jazz Orchestra, the Aaron English Band from Seattle, and blues guitarist Wayman Chapman from Yakima.Their bassist, Juan, also plays for such other bands as Prez, Cueva, Bary Bergstrom and Eagle Wing, Open Heavens Christian Center Worship Team, and Something United.
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