Miss Tri-Cities 2017 Competition Gearing Up Next Week
The 2017 Miss Tri-Cities and Miss Tri-Cities Outstanding teen competition happens July 22nd at Art Fuller Auditorium at Kennewick High 7 p.m. ticket prices are...
$20 in advance or at the door. Door's open at 6 p.m. This year 15 young women will compete for the 2017 title 11 for Miss Tri-Cities and 4 for Outstanding teen.
The Miss Tri-Cities Scholarship program is sponsored by the Tri-Cities Water Follies Association and has awarded over $300,000 in scholarship money to contestants over the last 18 years. $32,000 was awarded to contestants last year alone!
We talked with the current Miss Tri-Cities Taylor Plunkett who recently competed for Miss Washington and took 4th runner up! We asked what 5 favorite things were while serving and Miss Tri-Cities...here's what she had to say....
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