Woman Almost Freezes Saving Dog in Middle of Columbia River
It'll be in the mid-80s in the Tri-Cities today -- but the Columbia River is still very cold.
Just ask the woman who jumped in the river to save her dog. The dog broke its leash and headed for the water.
Instinctively, she went after her pet and almost died doing it! Rescue crews were alerted as she ended up using all her might to stay afloat for 45 minutes until she finally made it back to shore.
A friend watching from her crutches alerted 9-1-1 to the woman's precarious situation. Once ashore, the swimmer said she almost got her dog several times but the pooch just kept swimming further and further out.
Calling "Here Boy!" didn't work because by the time the dog wanted to come back the current had taken it.
Would you jump in the river to save your dog? Police are asking you not to, but I bet several of you would.
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