Richland School District Releases Details for Graduation & At Home Learning Requirements
If you have children in the Richland School district here is a very important message from the school district regarding at home school participation and graduation for the class of 2020
Beginning Monday, May 11, and continuing each Monday until the end of the 2019-20 academic year, teachers will report weekly student participation in At-Home Learning, per direction from the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Parents of students who have not participated in At-Home Learning the previous week will receive a call from the district noting their child was marked as “NP” or “Not Participating.” Middle and high school students in credit-bearing courses who do not participate weekly in At-Home Learning and/or have not communicated with their teacher may receive an Incomplete, requiring they fulfill the course requirements at a future time to receive a grade.
Parents notified of their child's lack of participation are encouraged to review their child's participation in PowerSchool and contact the teacher to learn how the student may stay engaged and complete the course if it is for credit.
Hanford, Richland, and River's Edge high schools and Three Rivers HomeLink will have virtual graduation celebrations at their originally scheduled times on June 5 that will be broadcast online. These decisions were determined by the direction from state officials, consideration of various options and timelines, and a survey of our graduating seniors. We understand this is not how many in our community had hoped to celebrate our graduates. School administrators and student leaders are working hard to craft virtual graduation experiences to mark this important accomplishment by the Class of 2020.
Schools are communicating with graduating seniors about what they need to do to be included in the virtual celebrations, such as picking up their cap and gown and having their photo taken, and how they, their families and friends can watch. If a graduating senior has not received those details, they should contact their school.
Virtual Graduation Schedule For Friday, June 5:
11 am - River's Edge High School
1:30 pm - Three Rivers HomeLink
4:30 pm - Hanford High School
7:30 pm - Richland High School
Many seniors responding to our graduation survey indicated they are interested in attending some type of in-person celebration in August if social distancing guidelines were eased by that time to allow for gatherings. Schools are tentatively planning for in-person celebrations of the Class of 2020 in early August in the hope of fulfilling that request. Stay tuned for more details on those possible events.
Delta High School's graduation plans will be coordinated through the Pasco School District.
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