Prepare for Another Round of SNOW, Freezing Rain, & Slick Roads…
Another round of winter is expected to hit the area Thursday afternoon into Friday morning. Roadways will be slick in spots, with rain and snow likely between 4 pm and 10 pm. Maybe you can get whatever needs to be accomplished before then. That's my plan.
According to the National Weather Service in Pendleton, OR, the Tri-Cities area will receive snow mixing with freezing likely between 10 pm Thursday and 1 am Friday. Little or no accumulation is expected. Although, other agencies reporting up to an inch accumulation is possible. Friday's high will be in the low 40's, so, the snow won't stay.
As far as driving in snow and ice, slow down. Many people are cited for driving too fast for conditions. Leave extra room between vehicles, alow down when approaching intersections, bridges, off-ramps, and overpasses.
If you're not confident driving in winter weather, don't. Reconsider your travel plans. Be prepared for slick roads Friday morning. Leave extra early.
If you are traveling a further distance, are you prepared? WSDOT recommends that you have the following items in your vehicle:
*Tire Chains
*First-Aid Kit
*Jumper Cables
*Cell Phone & Charger
*Ice Scraper & Snowbrush
*Kitty Litter or Sand, just in case you get stuck.
If you do get stuck or stranded, you're advised to stay in your vehicle and use your flashers. Call for assistance and wait till it arrives.

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