Kennewick Police are searching for these two suspects, in connection with an alleged kidnapping and assault, as well as drug activity.

Dec. 1st, Tuesday, a 36-year-old woman went to a house at 119 N. Volland (behind the strip mall on Union Street off Clearwater) for what police said was going to be a drug deal, likely narcotics.

However, the woman--who later reported incident to police--was held against her will and assaulted as well as robbed. Police were able to determine the location based upon their investigation. They've idenfied Sergio Delgado and Kristin Link as the two suspects.

But when Police and SWAT raided the home December 3, the suspects were not there. Police found evidence at the scene, including weapons,  enough to tie the two to the crimes and issue arrest warrants for Kidnapping, Assault, Robbery and Unlawful Weapons Possession.  Officers did not say if they found narcotics.

Anyone who may see these two or know of their wherabouts you're urged to call (509)-628-0333. All leads can be confidential.


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