We do a segment on our show several times per week and yes we share wacky stories from all over the globe...but often times those weird stories come from Florida not sure why?
Romance is challenging for many of us, especially when it come to choosing the right "In The Mood Music" Big Jim and Stacy Lee Reveal their least favorite "Mashed Potato" Music...pretty stinking funny...
I don't know about you but I feel really low today...I spent my $20 on the record jackpot of $1.5 Billion and didn't win not even a penny. Big Jim found a hilarious song to help us through the grief...
If it's weird news on the world wide web we'll find it. Including this one a man steals a "Ball" python by shoving it down his pants...insert joke here...
We do a regular feature on our show about people dong stupid things and getting caught. Today's edition was no exception especially the 1st story a crazed woman on an eating binge at Wal Mart...Priceless
Big Jim and I took a little time off over the holidays, and maybe you didn't know this but we have a voice mail system that actually come into our studio...
There's a company in Missouri that can take your cowboy boots and turn them into SANDALS. They carve out the foot part . . . turn the toe into a flip flop . . . and leave the leather that goes up your leg intact.