
My Husband Gets a Bad Rap
My Husband Gets a Bad Rap
My Husband Gets a Bad Rap
My husband, Jeff gets a bad rap.  All. The. Time.  I'm really glad that I have the opportunity to apologize in a public forum.  OK, not really. I was in a hurry this morning, and could not find my new, Yeti coffee mug.  You know, my really cool beverage holder that keeps everything really cold or really hot, depending on what's in there...
Watch Out Baristas! Robots Coming to Coffee Shops?
Watch Out Baristas! Robots Coming to Coffee Shops?
Watch Out Baristas! Robots Coming to Coffee Shops?
According to CNBC, Starbucks has no plans to 'employ' any of these $25K robot coffee makers in any of their stores. But what about 10 years from now? The financial channel is reporting a new robot barista has made it's debut, and for a cool $25K a coffee shop could install one...

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