It seems an increasing number of baby boomers are following the lead of billionaire Warren Buffett, who has pledged to leave almost all of fortune to charity rather than his children.
Various medical studies have found that tanning, whether it be done under natural or artificial light, can greatly increase your risk of skin cancer. If anyone’s a prime example of that, it’d be Patricia Krentcil. Despite this blatant fact, a new survey from the American Academy of Dermatology has found that younger people, in particular, are still embracing tanning.
Food and romance are two of life’s pleasure, so why not combine them? According’s Valentine’s Day-themed 2012 survey, the two foods most likely to set the mood for love are…
While the county has been going through an extended period of economic decline and uncertainty, a solid majority of Americans still think that they are ahead of where their parents were financially.