
Funny Ways People Beat the Heat of Summer!
Funny Ways People Beat the Heat of Summer!
Funny Ways People Beat the Heat of Summer!
When my kids were little, we had a big water trough for all the horses. When it would get really hot out, we'd fill it for the kids to swim in. It worked perfectly well! But I think our boys may have gotten teased a bit about it because all their rich friends had high end, in-ground  pools!
5 Awesome Ways to Make Your Own Swimsuit
5 Awesome Ways to Make Your Own Swimsuit
5 Awesome Ways to Make Your Own Swimsuit
It was hot yesterday and that reminded me to find my swimsuit. Swimwear is a funny thing because has got to be the most personal thing we wear all year. As problematic as that is, we also love for our things to be personal, or rather extensions of our personality...
It’s Now “Shark Week” So let’s Watch This Man’s Extreme Joyride on a Moving Shark [VIDEO]
It’s Now “Shark Week” So let’s Watch This Man’s Extreme Joyride on a Moving Shark [VIDEO]
It’s Now “Shark Week” So let’s Watch This Man’s Extreme Joyride on a Moving Shark [VIDEO]
In a stunt that brings new meaning to the phrase “jump the shark,” a Cape Cod man actually jumped on top of a shark, riding atop it for 15 feet through the ocean. Naturally, he got footage of the whole thing. “I’ve been waiting for an opportunity like this my whole life,” said fisherman Erik Jacobs, who spotted a basking shark swimming around his boat, and then pounced.