Some people want to know how to avoid having a bad first date, but sometimes you are hoping to complete a date in such a manner so that whoever set it up is not mad at you, but the other person will never ask to do it again.
My tips start at $5. I don't even look at the check. I just start at $5. Every time the server does something I like, I up it. If they do something I don't like, I go down (but never below $5). So sometimes $5 is a great tip for the check, but I have a large family, so it really depends on their service whether they end up happy or not. I recently found out some people don't tip at all!
When at the beach do you slip your wallet into the toe of your shoes? Guess what? So do I, so does everyone ever born. If someone wanted to steal your wallet that is the first place they'd look. Instead, do this:
Right now would be a really good time to learn how to win radio contests. We've got a record-number of things you can win right now, and we'll be giving away thousands and thousands of dollars in May -- we're also working on a trip to give away soon!
I don't know about you but laundry day is my least favorite day of the week. Sure I have a pretty bright red LG front loader washing machine so loading the washer and dryer are the best part of laundry day, it's the folding the clothes thing that I despise. Especially t-shirts they are just a pain to fold. I found a really awesome new way (new to me) to fold a t-shirt and in 3 seconds no less....R
In New York the court has begun hearing arguments this week over a dispute at Starbucks: who should get the money in the tip jar? Baristas think it should be them and only them.
If you suffer from back or neck pain but don’t want drugs needles or surgery you may want to take advantage of a special offer for a free consultation with Dr. David Cook, DC at Richland Spine & Disc.