6 Tips To Secure Your House From Burglars
The weather is cooling things down which means more and more burglars and prowlers will be targeting homes this fall.
The Kennewick Police Department has compiled 6 tips to help you secure your home from criminals.
Call the Kennewick Police Department if you see anything suspicious at 628-0333 or 911. Here are the six tips they recommend to ward off criminals.
1) Always lock your doors and windows.
2) Invest in high security locks, solid entry, doors and laminated windows.
3) Install bright outdoor lighting with motion sensors
4) If you have an alarm system, use it. post warning signs
5) Trim bushes and trees so criminals can't hide
6) If you suspect an intruder is in your home, don't engage. Call 9-1-1
A few good reminders as we head into the fall months and a few good pointers to make sure that you and your family safe this holiday season.