Those Bastards! They Killed Off Lady Sybil – Hottest Grantham Daughter on ‘Downton Abbey’
The creators of "Downton Abbey" on PBS killed off the character played by Jessica Brown Findlay Sunday night in Season 3. Lady Sybil was a favorite of the audience for 1) falling in love with her lowly chauffeur 2) being the most attractive actress in the show full of pretty British women in fetching dresses.
Her Irish Republican husband got along with the aristocratic Brits horribly... at first. They were just starting to get along, and Lady Sybil just delivered a baby girl, when the writers had Findlay die of birthing complications in front of the entire family! It was cold, disturbing and wretched.
With the popularity of zombies, I'm starting a petition to bring her back as a zombie. Sure, it would turn the popular PBS show loved for its class into a mixture of "X-Files" and "Masterpiece Theater." But every television show needs more, not less hot British women.