Umatilla County is Fresh Out of Covid Vaccine Now
According to reports, Umatilla County received only 600 doses of the Covid-19 vaccine, and those are all gone now.
There were a reported 500 doses given out by Good Shepard Medical Center in Hermiston also, and those are gone as well. There are two Covid-19 vaccines out there right now. One is made by Moderna and the other is made by Pfizer. The Pfizer vaccine needs to be stored cold, very cold, so freezers are being installed in lots of places nationwide. It's a good time to be in the freezer business.
Meanwhile, the Benton Franklin Health District said initially that 331 new cases of Covid-19 were reported in the Tri-Cities as of last Friday (1/8), but then followed that up with a Facebook post warning that negative test result information was not complete, so the positivity and case results "should be interpreted with caution", whatever that means. I guess that means it could be higher than 331 new cases? At any rate, as we all hope the vaccine comes in and kicks some corona butt, it looks like things aren't moving a quickly as everyone wants. Now I shudder every time I hear of a "new strain" of coronavirus being discovered. Does that mean the vaccines they're rolling out right now won't work? Man, I hope not.
1/8/2021 - COVID-19 Update
***BFHD was notified today by the DOH that negative test results data from 11/21/2020...
Posted by Benton-Franklin Health District on Friday, January 8, 2021
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