What’s the Deal With Hitchhiking? Is It Still Legal in Washington State?
Wondering if it's legal to hitch a ride in Washington State?
Is It Legal To Hitchhike In Washington State?
You're not alone. Many people are confused about the laws surrounding hitchhiking, and for good reason—they vary from state to state.
In this article, I'll clear up any confusion and let you know what the deal is with hitchhiking in Washington State.
Hitchhiking, also known as "thumbing a ride," is the practice of sticking out your thumb and hitching a ride from a passing motorist.
It's a popular means of transportation among budget travelers, but it's also illegal in many places. So, is hitchhiking legal in Washington State?
The answer is yes—sort of. While there is no explicit law prohibiting hitchhiking in Washington State, there are a few laws that make it difficult to do so legally.
For starters, it's illegal to stand on the side of a freeway or highway to solicit a ride. This means that if you want to hitchhike in Washington State, you'll need to do so from an off-ramp or other location where it's legal to stand.
Is There A Fine For Picking Up A Hitch Hiker In Washington State?
In addition, motorists who pick up hitchhikers can be fined for doing so. The penalty is $124 for each violation, which includes picking up more than one hitchhiker at a time. This law was put in place to discourage motorists from picking up hitchhikers, as it can be dangerous to do so.
Although there is no explicit law prohibiting hitchhiking in Washington State, there are a few laws that make it difficult to do so legally.
If you're considering hitchhiking in Washington State, be sure to do so from an off-ramp or other location where it's legal to stand, and keep in mind that motorists who pick up hitchhikers can be fined for doing so.
You can read more about Washington State and WA's hitchhiking laws here.