
Dog Park Fun!
Dog Park Fun!
Dog Park Fun!
Not unlike taking my kids to the park when they were toddlers, the dog park on Keene Rd, behind the Badger Mountain Sports Complex, gives my dogs a chance to commune with their friends, make new ones and play! They romp and wrestle and get out lots of energy...
Cool Off Your Pets!
Cool Off Your Pets!
Cool Off Your Pets!
Last year, I put a plastic baby pool out in the yard for my dog Crystal. She's not super fond of water, so I doubt she ever used it. She thought it was a better idea to stay  inside the house with the air conditioner turned up, so she could watch TV, lay on the couch and eat Bon Bons...
Cutest Dog EVER!
Cutest Dog EVER!
Cutest Dog EVER!
My son Brenden and his girlfriend Aisha live in Texas now. They have the cutest little dog ever! Check out this Video! I don't know what is funnier, the pup or them singing all the songs! Hilarious!
Dingleberry Dilema!
Dingleberry Dilema!
Dingleberry Dilema!
I don't know why this made me giggle...but, the cute look on my dogs face was priceless! He just couldn't figure out what to do. Something just wasn't right! Poor baby!
Watch the ‘Lazy Way’ to Take Dogs for a Walk!
Watch the ‘Lazy Way’ to Take Dogs for a Walk!
Watch the ‘Lazy Way’ to Take Dogs for a Walk!
My dogs are so energetic! I have to jog them everyday! Some days, I am in too big of a hurry and I just don't have time to change to jogging clothes and take them for as long as they need. So, I take the easy way out. I go get a nice hot espresso, jump in my car with them in the back and drive them out to the hay field...
Brotherly Puppy Love
Brotherly Puppy Love
Brotherly Puppy Love
My son owns the sibling brother of my Rhodesian Ridgeback pup, so when they came for the Holidays they brought him along. The two had so much fun playing together and wrestling 247 that at times they were just completely exhausted! It was so cute how they would hang out together the whole time...
Faith's Pup Opens Drawers!
Faith's Pup Opens Drawers!
Faith's Pup Opens Drawers!
Okay my pup is about 16 weeks old now, and I swear he is the most relentless, smart, and rambunctious dog I've ever owned! I'm NOT a newbie when it comes to training dogs! He is a handful to say the least! But, he is so cute! He is very selective at what he decides is worthy of chewing or playing with...
What’s Wrong With This Picture? Help!!
What’s Wrong With This Picture? Help!!
What’s Wrong With This Picture? Help!!
Yes, It's apparant I need Cesar Millan. My new Rhodeisan Ridgback pup is now about 15 weeks. And boy is he a handful!! He keeps me goin 24/7 ! He's like a mouth with legs wanting to chew everything in site! And although he is such a tough little guy, I love him to pieces and so to appease his vocal displeasure and so I can get some sleep...

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