10 Perfect Options for Richland Vacant Building on Lee Boulevard
What is the most appropriate business to fill this empty building?
The vacant building sits at 1320 Lee Boulevard in Richland. You can inquire about leasing the building.
We asked on Facebook, "What do you want to see here?" You responded.
Many people want many different businesses. From restaurants like the Cheesecake Factory to Chili's.
Kristy said she's, "tired of running to Spokane every time I'm craving their food LOL... or even a golden Corral of the all-you-can-eat buffet places that actually taste good."
I love that people have our youth in mind.
Sherrie responded that she heard it was going to be a trampoline park. Have you ever been to one?
Better yet, what do you think of an indoor skate park?
Maybe there won't be so many skateboarders on the streets if they had a place other than Columbia Park to perfect their craft.
Mike wants the building leveled.
So then, the lot can be available for parking for Fran Rish Stadium game nights.
Darcie suggested a youth center.
Mary Jean would like the building to be modified into an indoor dog park.
Interesting. Lalo would also like to see a dog training facility.
There's been A LOT of discussion about drug rehabilitation centers.
The Tri-Cities certainly needs one.
But, do we need another arcade and pizzeria? We have Shakey's and Chuck E. Cheese.
Who wants a specialty grocery store?
Never been to Whole Foods Market. I know they care about the environment and there's a gluten-free foods selection. And they take pride in offering wild-caught seafood.
The most popular business Tri-Citians want to see in the Former Albertson's is:
In my opinion, we need Trader Joe's. However, Leo and Kathy believe that Yoke's is the same, except for the fact that "Trader Joe's offers cheap wine."