‘American Idol’ Returning Focus to Contestants + More Sneak Peaks From Fox TV
Fox didn't like how the focus of "American Idol" was on the judges. The drama between Nicki Minaj and Mariah Carey was too much! The network has pledged to return the focus on the contestants and their stories. For more sneak peaks keep reading!
"The Following" with Kevin Bacon is returning. The bad guy was killed in the episode finale -- or was he? His followers are now wearing masks of his face so the good guys keep seeing him everywhere! There are teases that maybe he isn't really dead.
"Rake" is a brand new show that will be similar to "House MD" but with a lawyer.
"24" will soon return. But the talk is it will be a mini-series, not a full 24 episodes.
Fox will also pick up "Point of Interest."
For the details, listen here: