Why Was Chef Gordon Ramsey In Chelan This Week?
I spotted a Facebook post earlier this week and it was Chef Gordon Ramsey doing Turkey tips standing on the shores of beautiful Lake Chelan Washington. I did some digging and here's what I found out...
It appears Chef Ramsey was in Lake Chelan taping an episode of his Fox Show "Hotel Hell'. It's a show where Gordon stays at struggling Inns and Hotels and revamps and helps them get back on the right track.
This episode will appear in Season 3 of the show. Chef Ramsey was at The Lakeview Hotel in Lake Chelan located at: 104 E Woodin Ave, Chelan, WA 98816.
Here's Gordon's Turkey Tips from Lake Chelan
It's time to go LIVE for #ThanksGRiving !! #fbtestkitchen
Posted by Gordon Ramsay on Monday, November 23, 2015